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The Rat Thing Screenings


The Rat Thing will be playing at the CANNES Independent Film Festival on Wednesday, May 12 at 1900 (7pm).
For tickets go to

The Rat Thing will be playing at The London Independent Film Festival on Saturday, April 17 at 1300 Hours (1pm).

Prior Festival Participation:
Winner - BEST ACTOR, KEVIN KERESEY - Action on Film International Film Festival

Winner - BEST COMEDY FEATURE FILM AWARD - Bare Bones International Film Festival

Winner - BEST FEATURE FILM AWARD - Rainier Independent Film Festival

Winner - Feature Film Fusion Audience Award - Dances With Films Film Festival
“Supremely acted, expertly written and directed, The Rat Thing is both a condemnation and celebration of the pressures of achieving the American Dream, Venice Beach – style.” Ken Cran - Dances With Films

Winner - BEST COMEDY FEATURE - Long Island Film Festival
"The best cinematic experience I've had in a long, long time. I have been running the Long Island Film Festival for 24 years and I have to tell you its been a long time since I've seen such a well crafted independent film as "The Rat Thing". It is truly a remarkable and remarkably funny film! Truly a winner!"
Christopher Cooke - Founding Director - Long Island Film Festival

Winner - Most Excellent Feature Film- The Other Venice Film Festival


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